Innergy Quantum Healing With Kaori Shiramatsu

Welcome to Innergy Quantum Healing.
I am so happy you are here. 

If you are reading this then you might be interested to know a little bit more about my background, what I’m about, and how I can help you. 

I am originally from Tokyo, Japan. Growing up as a twin, my insatiable curiosity always got me in trouble. 

If you are skeptical about the whole “Energy Healing” world, I totally get you, because I used to be one of them who thought this was crazy. You see? I came from a strict academic family that never believed in anything spiritual, but I knew intuitively there was something beyond what we logically understood. 

Here in the US, I have a background as an award-winning esthetician and massage therapist, also a certified image consultant. While I enjoyed my career, I wanted to pursue life on a deeper level, because I have always been fascinated by the mind/body/spirit connection and our well-being beyond the physical level. 

I took numerous personal/spiritual growth courses, received coaching, trained to be a master coach, joined meditation and healing groups, attended spiritual ceremonies, etc… I even received my certifications in Reiki 1&2. They all helped me grow exponentially yet I still hadn’t quite got that “click” until I discovered the power of Star Magic Healing. This took my healing abilities to a whole new level and I became an accredited Advanced Facilitator of Star Magic Healing, (This is my main modality for healing sessions). 

The more I practiced, the more intuitive I became, and the more powerful my sessions became. 

For the past years, I have been doing informal sessions for friends.

One day I had this inspirational message that told me
“It’s a Universal Crime not to share my gift with the world and keep it to myself by hiding”.

So here I am and you have just found me.
It is such an honor and a pleasure for me to share this work with you.

I hope this helps you get to know me a bit better, If you have any. questions or curiosities, I'm happy to discuss them when we talk. I invite you to reach out for a complimentary 30 minute consultation

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“I want to make a difference in the world where everyone is loved, valued, and cared for. Our abundance, joy, & happiness are our birthrights”
~ Kaori Shiramatsu

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Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. Therefore I do not diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure, or offer any medical advice to your condition. If a health issue is suspected, and that requires a medical treatment, please consult a licensed physician or a medical practitioner.